Shift Alumni
Megan Collins manages the Matsui Center’s student programs ar UC Berkeley, providing professional development, experiential training, and advising for Cal undergraduates who are interested in public service. Prior to joining IGS in 2021, she served as the project manager of The Shift Project. Megan is a Berkeley native and graduated from UC Berkeley with a BA in History in 2013.
Email: https://www.linkedin.com/in/meganjanecollins/
Working in the Service Sector in New Jersey
This research brief is part of a series designed to advance our understanding of working conditions in the service sector—in…
Consequences of Routine Work Schedule Instability for Worker Health and Wellbeing
The American labor market is increasingly unequal, with ever greater returns at the top of the market and growing insecurity…
Working in the Service Sector in Boston
This research brief is part of a series designed to advance our understanding of working conditions in the service sector–in…
Working in the Service Sector in Washington State
This research brief is part of a series designed to advance our understanding of working conditions in the service sector…