By Annette Gailliot

Working in The Service Sector in Michigan

This research brief is part of a series designed to advance our understanding of working conditions in the service sector—in particular, schedule instability and unpredictability—in cities and states across the country.

The Company Wage Tracker: Estimates of Wages at 66 Large Service Sector Employers

In this brief, we report wage distributions for hourly workers at 66 large service-sector firms, using unique survey data collected from Facebook and Instagram users between March 2021 and November 2021 by the Shift Project. The Company Wage Tracker provides a visual way to compare company’s wage distributions and corporate financials.

Tax Filing in the Service Sector

We show that tax refunds are a substantial source of income for service sector workers, the equivalent of up to 12% of their annual income for working parents.

Employee Vaccination Rates in the Retail Sector: Successes and Resistance

Using the most recent shift data, this brief explores how vaccination among service sector workers has changed since the Spring.

Half of Service Sector Workers Are Not Yet Vaccinated for COVID-19: What Gets in the Way?

We find that half of frontline, service sector workers reported being unvaccinated as of early June 2021.

Unemployed Without a Net

In this brief, we address key questions about the Unemployment Insurance response to the economic crisis triggered by the pandemic.