The Catch-22 for Working Parents

Washington State lawmakers push for secure scheduling legislation

OLYMPIA – Washington State is considering a bill mandating that certain store and restaurant workers receive at least two weeks of advance notice and at least 10-hour rests between closing and opening shifts.

New Jersey lawmakers consider secure scheduling bill

TRENTON, NJ – Sen. Loretta Weinberg and co-sponsor Sen. Nia Gill introduced the New Jersey Fair Workweek Act (SB 921), which aims to curtail "unfair and discriminatory scheduling practices" by regulating advance notice and adequate rest between shifts, and requiring employers to pay for on-call or cancelled shifts. The Shift Project finds that unstable schedules are the norm in New Jersey, and can impact workers' ability to care for their children, attend school, and stay healthy.

Warren and Schakowsky Unveil Part-Time Workers Bill of Rights

WASHINGTON, DC – Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Representative Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.) introduced the Part-Time Worker Bill of Rights Act to boost protections for part-time workers. The bill includes an access-to-hours provision which complements Sen. Warren's Schedules That Work Act, reintroduced in October 2019.
Nevada Current logo

Service sector workforce pummeled by erratic scheduling, research shows

There is little existing research highlighting erratic schedules in NV. And yet, 333,000 Nevadans work in leisure & hospitality, a sector greatly impacted by unstable scheduling practices. That's 21.8% of the workforce—twice the national average. "It's not hard to imagine how this traps people and gets in the way of trying to better your circumstances in the long term," said Kristen Harknett.

Daniel Schneider and Kristen Harknett present research as Warren, DeLauro announce Schedules That Work Act

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Rep. Rosa DeLauro announced on Thursday that they are reintroducing the Schedules That Work Act, a bill that would require employers to provide two weeks' advance notice and compensate workers for last-minute changes to schedules. At a secure scheduling panel in D.C., Co-Directors Daniel Schneider and Kristen Harknett shared findings from The Shift Project.

Who’s Watching the Kids? Shift Joins New RWJF Policies for Action Research Hub

The Shift Project is partnering with the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) and researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, as part of a new Policies for Action Research Hub. The IWPR-UC Berkeley Research Hub is a signature research program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation administered through the National Coordinating Center at the Urban Institute. P4A's research investigates public and private policies to explore the root causes of health disparities in America, and identify potential solutions to improve health, well-being, and equity. Shift will focus on the effects of chronic scheduling instability for workers and possible spillover effects...

Daniel Schneider selected as a 2018 William T. Grant Scholar

Daniel Schneider has been named a 2018 William T. Grant Scholar. Schneider is one of six early career researchers nationally and across fields to receive the award this year. As a W.T. Grant Scholar, Schneider will investigate the effects of having a parent who works a low-wage job with an unstable and unpredictable work schedule on child health and wellbeing. He will also assess the effects of policies designed to regulate unstable and unpredictable work scheduling practices on workers and their families.

Working in the Service Sector in Connecticut – New Research Brief

The Shift Project released a new research brief that includes first-ever data that provides a window into Connecticut retail workers’ lives. The majority of those surveyed experience schedule instability and unpredictability, which create hardships and stress for themselves and their families. Entitled “Working in the Service Sector in Connecticut,” the research brief draws on survey data from 438 Connecticut service sector workers. It documents routine instability in work schedules in the retail and food sectors in Connecticut.
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