California makes a ham-handed attempt to regulate the fast-food industry

California could transform how fast food workers are treated

The restaurant industry is fighting hard against a labor bill making its way through the California legislature.

California fast-food worker pay falls ‘far below a living wage,’ report says

They earn nearly $6,000 less a year than others employed in comparable service-sector jobs

Fast-Food Workers Are Closing In on a Major Victory in California

A new bill would establish a statewide council to determine wages and working conditions.

Low Pay, Less Predictability: Fast Food Jobs in California

In January 2022, the California State Assembly voted in support of a first-of its-kind labor bill, known as the Fast Food Accountability and Standards Recovery Act (FAST Recovery Act).

Service workers report unpredictable schedules and it impacts more than pay

Alyssa Roman has been working at Chipotle as a food server for about nine months. The 21-year-old Bronx native first worked at one Manhattan location, then moved to another in March.
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